How Speed Date works?

Speed dating is a method of effective meeting new people. It originally comes from the USA. The principle is simple, to arrange a fast and efficient meeting of a large number of singles. On average, a group of 10 men and 10 women meet at a designated point. Restaurants are considered as the most popular places for speed dating events. The events are hosted by a presenter who starts the event and is in charge of its course. Women are seated at the tables and men have 5 minutes to talk to each of them. Upon the lapse of 5 minutes, the presenter makes a sign and the men move to the next partner (the next table) until all the couples take turns. During the course of the date night event, the participants take notes of mutual fondness and at the end of the event they handover a list to the presenter containing the names of those whom they wish to contact. Until then, the participants present themselves by their first names or nicknames only making the event practically anonymous. If you do not wish to meet anyone, you are not obliged to exchange contact details. That’s one of the biggest advantages of speed dating.

  • 1.
    Book your event and pay a subscription fee to make sure you have a place at the event.
  • 2.
    Come to the venue at the right time and leave the rest to us. You will enjoy a pleasant experience. A capable moderator will take care of everything else.
  • 3.
    You get to know the other participants and you will decide who you want to exchange the contact with.
  • 4.
    You don't have to worry, the meeting is accompanied by a relaxed and casual atmosphere.
  • 5.
    The very same evening, you will receive an email with results and email addresses to those who you wanted to see again.
Seznamte se tváří v tvář.
7–9 men a women
You will meet in one night
V pohodové atmosféře a tváří v tvář se u nás seznámí 80 % lidí.
78% match rate
78% match rate
Zahoďte telefon, vypněte počítač a přijďte se seznámit naživo. Poznáte spoustu skvělých lidí.
Original first date arranged to suit your wishes
Original first date arranged to suit your wishes
Neztrácejte čas a zažijte rovnou několik rande najednou.
Meet up to 12 singles in just one night
Meet up to 12 singles in just one night

Frequently asked questions

Is it also possible to sign up for a term out of my age group?

Each category has a teleranci age, it usually is +/- 2 years. You can move within this tolerance.

Who is the Date Night Event aimed for?

For those who wish to meet someone new. The advantage of this event is a perfectly formed occasion to date in a simple way.

Can I pay the fee at the place of event?

The registration fee is paid in advance. Once you have made your reservation, you will receive payment instructions on email. We require advance payment in order to ensure the same number of men and women during the meeting.

How long does the dating evening last?

The evening lasts aprox. 90 minutes.

Is the Dating Night only for Praguers?

Everyone is wellcome!

How does a contact (emails) changing work?

At the end of the event, you will fill in a form in which you circle those ones which you want to exchange a contact (email) with. When there are sympathies on both sides (man and woman). We will exchange emails about 2 hours after the end of the event.

How many people do I meet during the evening?

On average, 12 pairs (12 men and 12 women). The minimum number of people to take action is 7 pairs.

Why do the participants of the Date Night Event use nicknames?

This is a frequently asked question. Why can I not use my first name during the Date Night Event? We assign a nickname to each participant as it is common that there can be two Charlies, three Janes, and two Peters during the course of one event, and the names could easily be confused. That’s why you are given nickname.

What if there are not enough participants to sign up for the event?

It may happen that an insufficient number of participants signs up for the specific Date Night Event. In such a case, we will offer you another term or refund of the fee.

Is it possible to give the Date Night Event to someone as a gift voucher?

Yes, it is. The Date Night Event is often provided as a gift. You just need to select the term and the right age group for the person.

Dress code

The dress code is not fixed. For men, we recommend long trousers and a shirt with a collar. Ladies can choose a dress, suit, skirt or dress pants. Everyone has their own style and the most important thing is to feel comfortable. Here you will find some tips on what clothes to choose.

Do you have any question? You can send us email on:

Check out our customer reviews!

Hodnocení seznamovacích akcí

0 1 2 3 4
92.8 %
účastníků doporučuje
17. January 2025
0 1 2 3 4

Vše proběhlo bez problémů

16. January 2025
0 1 2 3 4

Dobre zorganizovane a velmi dobre misto pro tento typ akce. Díky.

16. January 2025
0 1 2 3 4

Vaše akce, ideální způsob na seznámení..gratuluji.

16. January 2025
0 1 2 3 4

Příjemné atmosféra, profesionální přístup a organizace večera.

Choose your event

People on Speed Dating Events have a high persentage of matching. 78 % of participants meet likable person.


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