Themed events

Potkáte se s lidmi naladěnými na stejnou vlnu a najít společné téma bude hračka.

Zpestřete si nedělní odpoledne seznamovací procházkou a poznejte nové známé nebo svou osudovou známost. Seznamovací procházka Pojďte se s námi projít a seznamte se. Zkuste VIP seznamku pro náročné. Poznejte krásné ženy a sympatické muže. Successful and demanding Meet successful women and men who are well-off Man and woman sitting in restaurant. Speed dating for English speakers (international) For those who speaks english. Poznejte partnera, se kterým bude moci založit fungující rodinu. Family and serious relationship Are you considering establishing a family? You are not alone! Chcete si najít aktivního partnera? Sport seznamka bude pro vás to pravé. Sport dating site Dating for active people who enjoy sports. Chcete se seznámit na úrovni? Zkuste seznamovací večer pro vysokoškoláky.
Vysokoškoláci a absolventi Seznamka pro vysokoškoláky a absolventy.
Chcete si najít tanečního partnera? Máme pro vás taneční seznamku. Dating site for dancers Do you wish to find a dance partner? Try our dating site for dancers. Looking for a travel partner? Meet the dating site for travelers. Travel Dating Do you like travelling? Find a partner for travelling and for life. Připravili jsme seznamku pro nezadané rodiče. Máte šanci se znovu zamilovat a najít si partnera. Single parents We have a dating site for single parents. You have a chance to fall in love again and find a new partner. Najděte si partnera vysokého vzrůstu a hleďte si zpříma do očí. Pořádáme seznamku pro vysoké muže a ženy. Dating site for the tall ones Try our dating site for tall men and women. Baculky a boubelky se nejsnáze seznámí na seznamce pro plnoštíhlé. Chubby and plump Chubby and plump Easy dating for the chubby ones. Jak snadné je seznámit se, když vám večer osladí pravá italská zmrzlina. Zmrzlinový večer Máte rádi zmrzlinu? Váš protějšek určitě také :) Pojďte se seznámit. Seznamka v Radlické kulturní sportovně Akce v Radlické kulturní sportovně Seznamte se pod otevřeným nebem v Radlické kulturní sportovně Poznejte svou osudovou známost ve Žlutých lázních. Akce ve Žlutých lázních Seznamte se pod otevřeným nebem ve Žlutých lázních. It is said that love passes through the stomach. Come have fun and meet.
Tasting evening & dating | Žwakovi As true gourmets, you certainly can't resist tasting famous cheeses and first-class wines. You can choose from several themed evenings. Experience a unique dating evening.
Partner nebo pejsek? Nemusíte dělat kompromisy, máme pro vás obojí. Seznamte se na seznamce pro pejskaře.
Dating for dog owners For those who like four-legged friends.

Seznamovací večer - Blog

Choosing a Partner Through the Eyes of Psychologists: Why Do You Keep Choosing the Same Partners Who Aren’t Right for You?

Do you feel like you keep picking the same types of partners? Or do you find that the same issues keep arising in your relationships, ultimately leading to mutual alienation and breakups? The culprit may be subconscious behavior patterns that you carry from childhood. Discover how your parents and the family environment in which you grew up can influence your choice of partner.
Před 9 dny

Red Flags: 10 Warning Signs When Dating on a Dating App

Dating through dating apps can be an interesting way to meet new people. However, it comes with many risks, especially when dating online. A "red flag" is a warning sign that indicates you should be cautious. You can detect a bad relationship, a toxic, or dangerous person right from the start. The way someone communicates, the information in their profile, or their photos can reveal more than you might think. Learn to recognize the most common warning signs and save yourself from unpleasant experiences.
Před 16 dny

How to meet people when you have high expectations?

Do you hear from those around you that you have high expectations for your future partner, which is why you are still single? High expectations for your future partner are not necessarily bad - sometimes, thanks to high expectations, you can avoid inappropriate relationships that would lead to a dead end anyway. What's more, if you also have a clear vision and know who you need by your side, you can "fish in the right waters".
10. January 2025

5 best topics for a first date or speed dating

The first date is a great opportunity to see if you can find common ground and if the spark has flown. Properly chosen topics can make the conversation more pleasant, lighten the atmosphere and help you learn more about your counterpart. Are you worried that the conversation won't flow or that you won't bore the other person? Don't know how to start a conversation on a dating site and what to talk about? We have the 5 best first date topics for you, which you definitely can't miss. We will tell you what to talk about and how to avoid conversational blunders.
9. January 2025

Nejbližší tématické večery

Rychlé rande za poslední týden rezervovalo 92 žen a 97 mužů.
monday 3. March from 19 hodin Dorado Coffee • Staré Město, Praha 1
Speed dating for English speakers (international)
Women 24–40 let
690 Kč 490 Kč Volná místa
Men 28–40 let
690 Kč > 3 volná místa
wednesday 23. April from 19 hodin Dorado Coffee • Staré Město, Praha 1
Speed dating for English speakers (international)
Women 30–47 let
690 Kč 490 Kč Volná místa
Men 35–47 let
690 Kč Volná místa
wednesday 11. June from 19 hodin Dorado Coffee • Staré Město, Praha 1
Speed dating for English speakers (international)
Women 24–40 let
690 Kč 490 Kč Volná místa
Men 28–40 let
690 Kč Volná místa
wednesday 27. August from 19 hodin Dorado Coffee • Staré Město, Praha 1
Speed dating for English speakers (international)
Women 30–47 let
690 Kč 490 Kč Volná místa
Men 35–47 let
690 Kč Volná místa
monday 10. November from 19 hodin Dorado Coffee • Staré Město, Praha 1
Speed dating for English speakers (international)
Women 24–40 let
690 Kč 490 Kč Volná místa
Men 28–40 let
690 Kč Volná místa
tuesday 9. December from 19 hodin Dorado Coffee • Staré Město, Praha 1
Speed dating for English speakers (international)
Women 30–47 let
690 Kč 490 Kč Volná místa
Men 35–47 let
690 Kč Volná místa
thursday 3. April from 18 hodin Coffee Perk • Praha 4 - Brumlovka
Travel Dating
Women 35–48 let
590 Kč Volná místa
Men 38–48 let
590 Kč Volná místa
thursday 3. April from 20 hodin Coffee Perk • Praha 4 - Brumlovka
Travel Dating
Women do 35 let
890 Kč 390 Kč Volná místa
Men do 35 let
890 Kč > 3 volná místa