Dating for dancers

Sunday 19. October, from 17:00 hodin

La Macumba • Praha 5
Women do 55 let
Volná místa (790 Kč)
Men do 65 let
Volná místa (345 Kč)
do 55 let
790 Kč
Volná místa
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do 65 let
345 Kč
Volná místa
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Dating site for dancers

Základní informace

Počet účastníků max. 10 mužů a 10 žen
Dobra trvání cca 01:30 (17:00 - 18:30)
doražte min. 15 minut před začátkem
Věková tolerance +/- 3 roky
Venue: La Macumba
Štefánikova 230/7
Praha 5
Zobrazit na mapě

Podrobné informace

Dance dating was created for those who would like to find a partner of similar taste to have the desire to dance occasionally. Come and meet you.

If you like dancing, you should not miss this evening. You will meet several of your counterparts who are looking for the opportunity to meet new nice people.

In cooperation with the Dance Center, we have prepared a pleasant Sunday afternoon, during which you let go of all your worries and tune in to the dance of love or Cha-chu. We planned this afternoon so that you could also have a chat and get to know each other. Before the dance lessons and during the break, you can refresh yourself at the bar with a glass of wine, beer, water or juice at the bar and relax with some crunchy goodies.

Sympathetic dance professionals Nikol and Mexo will show you both basic steps and more advanced variations. There will also be women's and men's elections. Come to the Dance Center and enjoy an unusual dating evening with us.

How to get there: Dance Center, Václavské nám. 36, Prague 1
The entrance is right next to the Marks & Spencer Department Store, Melantrich Building. Walk through the entrance hall to the elevator, which will take you underground (-2 floor). You can also use the staircase to the gates of the Bridge Dance Center. At the reception, we will direct you to the changing rooms and the hall where the event will take place.

Keep a reserve and come a few minutes early. You can order something to drink and we will seat you.
For those who do not know how it works on speed dating, we will explain very simple dating rules.
If we have a lot, we will take a short break for refreshments in the middle of the evening.
At this point, we should already have the introductory introduction part over and we will move to the dance floor.
Joining the dance steps of South American rhythms will be easy, especially if you are led by a native Cuban.
We leave the ending open, it's up to you how long you can keep dancing or chatting with others.


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