Sport speed dating

Wednesday 26. February, from 20:00 hodin

YoCafé • Praha 2
Women do 35 let
Volná místa (390 Kč)
Men do 35 let
Alternate  ? (890 Kč)
do 35 let
390 Kč
Volná místa
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do 35 let
890 Kč
Alternate  ?
Rezervovat místo
Sport dating site

Základní informace

Počet účastníků max. 9 mužů a 9 žen
Dobra trvání cca 01:15 (20:00 - 21:15)
doražte min. 15 minut před začátkem
Věková tolerance +/- 2 roky
Venue: YoCafé
Anny Letenské 1204/1
Praha 2
Zobrazit na mapě

Podrobné informace

Come to speed dating for sports-minded and meet like-minded counterparts. Everyone who has a positive attitude to movement will meet at a dating evening. Maybe you will find more than a sports partner.

We try to put together those who will understand each other. Love for sport is lifelong, come find who you will share this passion with. You don't have to be an athlete or a top athlete, you just like to move.

Program sportovní seznamky
Allow time and come 15-20 minutes before the event
Settle down and have the time to have a drink
We start :) our moderator briefly explains the rules
Dating can begin, with each of you having 5 minutes for a short interview
By now you should have all your bikes behind
When you have time, the evening doesn't have to end so soon and you can keep talking. The results will arrive in about two hours to email you.


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