Dating for the rich and demanding (VIP)

Wednesday 21. August, from 18:00 hodin

Novotel Hotel • Praha 2
Women do 48 let
(1 000 Kč)
Men do 55 let
(690 Kč)
do 48 let
1 000 Kč
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do 55 let
690 Kč
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Successful and demanding

Základní informace

Počet účastníků max. 7 mužů a 7 žen
Dobra trvání cca 01:30 (18:00 - 19:30)
doražte min. 15 minut před začátkem
Věková tolerance +/- 2 roky
Venue: Novotel Hotel
Kateřinská 38
Praha 2
Zobrazit na mapě

Podrobné informace

Want something more? Are you demanding for yourself and your partner? Do you have a clear idea and do not intend to compromise? Try VIP speed dating.

We include VIP evenings only a few times a year. The course of the evening is similar to the classic Dating Evening, only it is intended for those who are more demanding when choosing a partner. In the evening, women who would like to meet a well-maintained and active man with a solid job will usually meet. Gentlemen are looking for a partner at a level that takes care of themselves.

How many people will attend this evening?
Expect approximately 5-7 pairs.

How long will the evening last?
The evening lasts 60-75 minutes.

How will the evening go?
The concept of speed dating is based on the fact that during one evening you will meet several counterparts, everyone has the opportunity to talk briefly (in 5-7 minutes) with everyone. Sympathies are usually recognized very quickly. At the end of the evening you will discreetly fill in who you liked and the organizer of the evening will take care of the exchange of contacts, we exchange participants only e-mail address based on mutual sympathies (if the sympathies are only on one side, there will be no contact exchange). already 2 hours after the event. After the evening, you have the opportunity to invite over a glass of the person you had the best time with and continue the evening.

Who will you meet?
This event is intended for singles who expect dating people to come to it, who are interested in meeting.

The organizers do not check the social status or property of the participants, anyone who considers himself successful and is looking for an attractive partner at the level can apply.

Time Schedule
The participants will meet 10-15 min before the event,
After the moderator sets you up, he explains the simple rules of speed dating
Now you only have conversations with your counterparts, each with 6 minutes
The evening will last approximately 1 hour
You can stay after the event and keep talking, it's up to you :)
The approximate end time of the dating


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