Events reports

Dating in Yellow Spa in the form of speed dating

The Yellow Spa is a popular place to get to know each other. At least that's how it really is for us. The interest in getting to know each other in the fresh air in an environment of greenery and the Vltava River, as offered by this place, is really great. When someone comes to our evening for the first time, they feel the considerable freedom and space that the environment provides. The nervousness is therefore immediately there. And last but not least, after the organized part, there are several options that can be used right away, for example, with someone you just met and you like.
27. May 2023

Sitting under the linden trees in Zluty Lázně

Dating evenings are no longer just an intimate affair. Informal in the sense that some people are comfortable with the peace and environment of a restaurant or cafe, while others may feel cramped in such an environment. That is why we also organize outdoor acquaintance walks, or evenings organized outside under the blue sky without a walk. Our evening in the Yellow Spa was exactly like that. Our nice moderator Anička added a touch to the nice environment. Are you interested in how such evenings work and what are their benefits? Follow our social networks to learn more.
19. August 2022

Romantic walk in Vyšehrad

In recent weeks, spring has really been in full beauty. The beautiful weather made us think about how to diversify the dating evening, so we organized a dating walk in the beautiful Prague Vyšehrad.
13. June 2022

How did the introductory walk on Petřín turn out?

The time when we had to sit at home for many months is perhaps for good and we hope that it will never return. Smaller groups can already meet outside, so we organized an introductory walk. She was a great success!
26. May 2021

Read about sport speed dating event

Young dating is a real hum. And what about when you are going to a sports dating site? When you are about thirty, you have your whole life ahead of you. Discover the world, date, and now in secret you begin to long for a serious relationship. With fateful love, they may know each other a faster date for athletes.
27. January 2020