Infidelity doesn't have to mean the end of a relationship: How to restore lost trust and harmony?

Láska a vztahy

Nevěra partnera představuje obrovské zklamání, bolest a naprostou ztrátu důvěry. Přesto nemusí znamenat definitivní konec. Za vztah se vyplatí bojovat, pokud se i přes partnerovu nevěru stále milujete, chcete zachovat rodinu a dokážete si představit společnou budoucnost. Zjistěte, jak se vyrovnat s nevěrou a jak obnovit v narušeném vztahu ztracenou důvěru i harmonii.

Most couples experience infidelity at some point in their lives

According to statistics, 60% of men and 40% of women are unfaithful at least once in their lives. The well-known psychiatrist Miroslav Plzák even estimates that infidelity, whether revealed or not, affects almost 90% of marriages. It can also affect couples who live happily and contentedly and do not deal with serious relationship problems. The reason for infidelity may not be the inability to be faithful and live in a monogamous relationship. The most common reasons include unfulfilled needs in the relationship - whether sexual or emotional, overall dissatisfaction in the relationship, alienation, lack of time spent together, stereotypes, low self-esteem, lack of recognition from your partner, increased libido and many other reasons.

Avoid hasty conclusions

Disclosed infidelity hurts and hits you where you are most vulnerable. You will probably feel betrayed, disappointed and hurt. You may feel anger, frustration, shock, anxiety, loss of certainty and “solid ground under your feet”… Keeping your emotions in check at such a moment is very difficult. However, try to avoid hasty decisions, such as immediately breaking up or moving out of your partner. Once the wave of the strongest emotions subsides, you could regret your decision. You should think about such a serious decision as divorce or separation with a cool head. Therefore, give yourself at least a few days or weeks to think about it and try to talk to your partner during this time.

Talk and be open

Infidelity is often an indicator of a relationship – it reveals suppressed emotions, problems, discord, misunderstanding or tension in the relationship. You may think that everything is fine at home and your partner had no rational reason for cheating. However, this can be a completely fundamental mistake. Unfulfilled sexual desires, insufficient frequency of sex, or mutual alienation may be to blame. If mutual communication does not work and you are not honest with each other in your relationship, you can live for many years in the illusion that your relationship is happy and satisfied. However, the other party may see it differently. That is why open communication in a relationship is absolutely key. Don't be afraid to visit a mediator or couples therapy, where you will learn how to communicate and solve problems.

TIP: 7 tips on how to handle arguments and improve communication in a relationship

Are you wondering what attitude to take and how to behave after infidelity? If you want to save your relationship, it is important to understand the reasons that led to your partner's infidelity. Whether it was something that only happened in your partner, or something that concerns your relationship. Also talk openly if you want to try to repair the relationship. If the cause was relationship problems and you both want to fight for your love, be prepared for hard work and many changes.

Look for solutions and prepare for “hard work”

Rebuilding mutual trust and harmony in a relationship will require effort from both partners. Also, expect that trust in a relationship will not return overnight, just as the broken heart of a cheated partner will not heal. Be prepared for months or even years that may be a difficult test for you. However, if you overcome it together, your relationship can become stronger and more solid.

Do not wallow in jealousy and thoughts of how to recognize and expose your partner’s next infidelity, look for ways to openly communicate your future together and how to restore the relationship. If it was not just a physical or one-time infidelity, but also emotions, it may be difficult for your partner to leave the love relationship. Therefore, clarify whether he is ready to end the relationship with his lover or lover and how he sees your future together. If your partner is not ready to leave the relationship, you may unintentionally find yourself in a love triangle. Repeated infidelity can be very painful, but some couples choose an open relationship or polyamory.

TIP: Polyamory: Infidelity or a modern open relationship?

Don't wash dirty laundry in public

Discovered infidelity poses a strong emotional burden. So it's no wonder that you feel like confiding in those around you. However, your entire family, friends, children or work colleagues definitely don't need to know about your partner's infidelity. As the well-known proverb says, dirty laundry should be washed at home. It is especially dangerous to involve children in problems, for whom the revelation of their father's or mother's infidelity can be a great shock. The consequences can be psychological problems, depression, anxiety, self-harm or poor behavior and performance at school.

If you don't want to be alone in this unpleasant situation, talk to your closest friend who will understand you and help keep you afloat in the most difficult moments.

Don't repay infidelity with infidelity

Being betrayed by your partner can trigger a desire for revenge. However, repaying infidelity with infidelity is a dead end. Revenge will further undermine trust in the relationship and deepen problems.

If, despite all your efforts, you cannot find the strength to forgive your partner, or you no longer have the desire and energy to work on the relationship, it is better to end it. Forgiveness and restoring trust require enormous inner strength, so no one will judge you if you are unwilling or unable to undertake this difficult journey. There is no point in suffering in a relationship with no future. It is never too late to start over, whether you are twenty or sixty. You don't have to worry that you will be alone forever. Getting to know someone is not difficult in modern times - you can meet your soulmate, for example, on speed dating.

Autor: Jakub Žwak