There is a wise saying that love passes through the stomach. Food can play a really important role in a relationship. Although they say that opposites attract, in reality, a different way of eating and thinking about food can cause serious problems in a relationship. What if one of the partners gravitates towards vegetarianism or veganism and the other is a sworn meat lover? Can such a relationship work? Find out what to prepare for if you want to date a meat-free dieter.
Vegetarianism as a lifestyle
Nowadays, more and more people are choosing a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle for various reasons – ethical, health or ecological. Nevertheless, vegans and vegetarians make up only a small percentage of the Czech population. Finding a partner who shares the same attitude when it comes to eating may not be easy. For many, becoming a vegetarian or vegan is not just about stopping eating meat. It is usually a lifestyle associated with a different view of the world, nature and animals. The different point of view of both partners can bring tension and discord into the relationship. Disputes between partners may not only concern the menu, but also questions of ethics, sustainability and other topics.
TIP: Religion & Relationships: Can a relationship between a believer and an atheist work?
Communication, communication and again communication
Open communication on any topic is the basis of every healthy relationship. Try to understand the other party's point of view and find a compromise that suits both of you. Openly discuss and look for practical solutions to the most common friction areas: How will you solve common cooking and food preparation? How do you deal with family celebrations or visits by friends and acquaintances?
There are many options for solving different diets. Most restaurants and canteens usually offer vegetarian meals, so eating out or delivery can be a solution. If you prefer to eat at home, you can create a list of basic dishes such as pasta, rice, salads, vegetable soups, which you can enrich with vegetarian or meat ingredients. It is up to you which solution is right for you.
Tolerance comes first
A carnivore-vegetarian relationship can work if the partners are tolerant of different life attitudes and lifestyles. Open communication and the ability to accept your partner as they are without trying to change them are important. When discussing vegetarianism and veganism, avoid an offensive tone and try to answer patiently and with insight.
Neither side should pressure the other to adopt a way of life with which they do not internally agree. A vegetarian or vegan should not force their meat-eating partner to omit animal products from their diet. Not everyone is interested in such a big life change and may not be ready for it. Likewise, a carnivore should not force a vegetarian to consume meat. Nor should his belief in not eating meat be dishonored or ridiculed in any way.
Shared values and vision
If partners share common values and have common visions and plans for the future towards which they are moving together, their relationship is usually stronger and happier. Vegetarianism is often related to deeper life values such as environmental care, ethical treatment of animals or a healthy lifestyle. If you break up with your partner in this direction, it does not have to mean the end of your relationship. You can share many other values together that can form a solid foundation for your relationship - be it love for family, hard work, faith and religion, education, career and more.
TIP: Join activities that strengthen the partnership relationship
Dispute over meat
Arguments about whether to eat meat or not can intensify after the birth of children. If you are planning a family together, you should agree in advance how your children will eat. Will they eat meat or be vegetarians? Or will you give them a choice so that they can decide freely?
A dispute over meat can also affect your love life. A "meaty" kiss may not be very sexy for followers of a meat-free diet. Some people may even refuse a kiss if their partner has eaten meat - the meat odor is simply so repulsive for some vegetarians and vegans that they prefer to avoid kissing with their partner. This can lead to arguments and tension. Don't be afraid to speak openly about this topic as well, thereby conveying misunderstanding and alienation in the relationship.
Breaking up because of the menu
Can't you come to an agreement and find a compromise that suits both of you? Do you feel like you're all somewhere else and can't find common ground? Do you differ not only in your philosophy of life, but also in your plans for the future? Try to imagine your life together in 5, 10 years. Do you see a long-term perspective in your relationship? If you decide to break up, openly explain your reasons to your partner.
In long-term relationships, it is always important to have a balance between reason and emotion. It didn't work out once, it will work out a second time. There are many ways to meet people in the modern world. For example, you can visit thematic speed dating, which will increase your chances of a successful acquaintance. A shared hobby or life attitude is a good foundation for a fulfilled one