The first date is a great opportunity to see if you can find common ground and if the spark has flown. Properly chosen topics can make the conversation more pleasant, lighten the atmosphere and help you learn more about your counterpart. Are you worried that the conversation won't flow or that you won't bore the other person? Don't know how to start a conversation on a dating site and what to talk about? We have the 5 best first date topics for you, which you definitely can't miss. We will tell you what to talk about and how to avoid conversational blunders.
Hobbies and interests
Hobbies and interests are among the most popular conversation topics that you can definitely not go wrong with. Take an interest in what your partner likes to do – does he/she play sports, cook, dance or is he/she a passionate lover of films or books? You can start the conversation with questions: What is your biggest hobby? What do you like to do on the weekend? Also talk about what interests you yourself and what you like to do.
How to converse casually
If you like to travel, you can also bring up this topic in the conversation. Think about what you would like to ask your potential partner. You can think of many questions: What is your idea of an ideal vacation? Would you like to experience a packed week with a backpack on a trek in the Tatra Mountains? How do you imagine a pleasant weekend spent together? Where would you like to see in your life?
Culture, music, books, movies
The books you read or the movies you watch, the music you listen to… All of this reflects your personality and interests. Talking about your favorite books, movies, music, or genres can reveal a lot about your partner. You might find out during the conversation that you have similar tastes and you can continue the conversation on your next date. Even if you find out that your tastes are different, you can still have a fun conversation: What is your favorite movie? Are you reading a book right now?
Gastronomy, food
If you like good food, develop a conversation about your favorite cuisine, cooking or restaurants. You can talk about your favorite dishes, unusual culinary experiences or what and if you like to cook. You can also use questions to find out if your preferences in the field of gastronomy are similar: What is your favorite cuisine? Would you prefer to have dinner in a classic Czech pub or in an Italian restaurant? Do you have a favorite restaurant that you would recommend to me?
Values, goals and plans
You should not go into too personal topics on a first date, a light conversation about values, plans and goals can be a fun way to learn more about your partner and at the same time find out if your values and plans for the future coincide or differ. Everyone has some dreams or plans, whether in the field of career, travel or personal growth. You can easily prompt your partner with questions: Do you have a goal you're working on right now? What are your plans for next year? Save more personal questions about whether your partner plans to get married or start a family for another date.
A few final tips:
- If you want to keep the conversation going, try to avoid yes-no questions.
- If you are interested in the personality and character of your partner, you can come up with a few questions like: “What would you do if… What do you think about… Do you believe in…” You can come up with a whole bunch of questions: Do you believe in love at first sight? If you had one month to live, how would you spend it? What do you think about one-night stands?
- Once your partner answers a question, expand on it, adding your own opinion, perspective, or experiences.
- You only have a few minutes on speed dating to engage your partner and learn important information. Write down a list of questions you would like to know the answer to if they don’t want to stick to one topic.
- At the end of the speed dating conversation, make a note of how your conversation went with the person and whether you liked them.
Don’t try this:
- Avoid firing off one question after another like you would during an interrogation.
- Don’t just talk about yourself all the time, give the other person space as well.
- Avoid complex and explosive topics such as politics, war, religion, LGBT, etc.
- Avoid topics that do not belong on a first date – discussing your relationship with an ex-partner, questions about sexual preferences, children from previous relationships, income and financial situation, or other intimate questions that could embarrass your partner.
You now know how and what to talk about on a first date or speed dating. Now all that's left is to arrange a date. Choose a speed dating date and come get to know each other, have fun, and maybe even fall in love.