Vousy si může nechat narůst téměř každý muž. Udržet je krásné a upravené už taková legrace není. Pokud si myslíte, že vousy stačí jednou za čas umýt a rozčesat, dopadnete asi jako míšenec Hagrida a Ramcajse. Když se o ně naopak staráte, budete vypadat skvěle, na škále od Brada Pitta až po George Clooneyho. Vousy umí u muže udělat tolik, co make-up u ženy. Jak se starat o vousy, aby vypadaly šarmantně a sexy?
Oil and beard balm
A healthy and beautiful beard needs plenty of nutrition and hydration. The right beard cosmetics will take care of that. Natural oils soften the beard, nourish it and facilitate its further treatment. You will not be bothered by the dry skin under your beard. It only takes a moment - just rub the oil in your beard and you're done. After application, they will be softer and fragrant - this usually gets every woman's knee.
Beard balm is suitable for men who have a particularly hard and "restless" beard.
Comb and beard brush
A trimmed beard, mustache or beard requires daily care. Therefore, a brush and a beard comb will become your best friend. Comb with a comb every morning and smooth with a brush.
Beard razor
The secret of beautiful beards lies, among other things, in their regular trimming. Maintaining a cultivated stubble is not difficult. Other beard cuts are more difficult to maintain.
For a beard, mustache or beard, the basis for a perfect cut is a comb and a quality razor for hair and beard. The rule is that chops require careful trimming. Feel free to attack them with a trimmer without an attachment. But keep the right length with the help of a ridge.
Whatever style of beard you prefer, the neck should stay smooth. Aligned lines on both sides of the face will help you keep a template on your beard. Make sure that the shape of the mustache copies the line of the upper lip. And if you want a perfect beard, shape it with a longer attachment on the trimmer or with a comb.
You can use beard wax for the final styling. He tames even the wildest beards and turns them into a smooth beard, mustache or beard.
Beard color
Wondering how to disguise the gray in your beard? Try a beard coloring shampoo. When washing, it turns the beard beautifully and decently. To maintain the color, just wash your beard with coloring shampoo every 2-3 days. If you do not like the color change, you will wash the color with a classic beard shampoo. Because the color is not permanent, you don't have to worry about unsightly growths or stepping on when choosing a shade.
If you are thinking of a permanent color, you should entrust the coloring to professionals in barber shops.
If you follow all the advice for grooming and beard cutting, the result will be perfect. And what if you only lack a partner who would properly appreciate your well-groomed beard? On a quick date in Prague, you will meet a lot of single women. Just choose the one that catches your eye.