What is love and where to find the fateful half?

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You can feel the butterflies in your belly, your head is spinning and you are happy like never before. But you are also a little confused and would not like to experience further disappointment. Why do some romantic relationships end after a few months or years, even though they were so beautiful and real in the beginning? How to distinguish true love from emotional seduction and where to find it in today's hectic times?

How do you recognize love?
You spend time with a friend, a colleague at work or maybe meet someone interesting during leisure activities. Suddenly you find yourself thinking about her or him more and more. Do you imagine being together, thinking about what you will say next and dreaming of physical rapprochement? When you meet, your heart breaks and your knees break. It is love? Or just erotic seduction? It depends...

How to know the true love and when the love falls away
If you are mainly attracted to beauty and think of your half as an object of desire rather than a potential partner, it is probably just a momentary flare-up that will fade over time. If you're not just a romance, you'd better get back in time.

When you also like his or her personality, character, opinions and you have a similar view of the common future, your relationship can grow into true love. If, on the other hand, your opinions are diametrically opposed, you have different ideas about life and the future together, platonic love will be better for you than an unhappy relationship in which you would suffer.

Richard Cookerly - Definition of Love: "True healthy love is a powerful, vital, and natural process of deeply respecting, longing for, loving, and enjoying our loved ones."

In a relationship connected by true love, the couple values the time spent together, they can be a support and pull for one rope, they are interested in each other and they want to grow old side by side. Falling in love usually expires within two years at the latest. But unlike emotional seduction, true love withstands the transition to the next, more mature phase of the relationship.

True love is waiting for you too
Do you feel that true love passes you in life? Are you unlucky for bad partners? Then don't leave things to chance. Meet new people, meet and sooner or later find your relative. If you lack opportunities to meet, bet on speed dating. For 1 dating evening, you can meet 7-12 unspecified potential partners in person. And that would be something from it!

Autor: Jakub Žwak