Speed Dating Prague | English speakrs

Úterý 12. listopadu, od 19:00 hodin

Oak • Praha 2
Ženy 26–44 let
(590 Kč)
Muži 30–44 let
(790 Kč)
26–44 let
590 Kč
Rezervovat místo
30–44 let
790 Kč
Rezervovat místo
V angličtině (mezinárodní)

Základní informace

Počet účastníků max. 9 mužů a 9 žen
Dobra trvání cca 01:30 (19:00 - 20:30)
doražte min. 15 minut před začátkem
Věková tolerance +/- 2 roky
Místo konání Oak
Lublaňská 1837/39
Praha 2
Zobrazit na mapě

Podrobné informace

Forget about online dating. It is better to meet in the real world. Register for our speed dating evening. We will take care of the rest. Come have fun, get to know each other and maybe even fall in love. Anyone who can understand English can participate.

In one evening, you can meet 7-10 singles who are looking for a serious relationship. Unlike a classic blind date, there will be no room for nervousness, moments of awkward silence or other unpleasant situations. The whole evening takes place in a sequence of 5-minute interviews. At the end of the evening, you mark on a special card who did you like. If the sympathy is mutual, the moderator will match your contacts.

You will meet foreigners living in Prague and the Czechs who would like to meet other nationalities. Speed dating in English is here for everyone who can communicate in English. The age tolerance of the participants compared to the listed category is max +/- 2 years.

You can look forward to an evening full of fun and a relaxed atmosphere. Don't worry, we won't leave you alone. The presenter will guide you through the entire evening, so there will be no time for nervousness, stage fright or awkward moments of silence. Within an hour and a half, you will get to know all your counterparts, and finally you will discreetly decide who you want to see next time. If there's a spark between you, we'll exchange contacts. The next date will be just the two of you.

  • Register and pay the participation fee to secure your place at the event.
  • Come to the event venue at the appointed time and we will take care of the rest.
  • You will experience an evening full of pleasant conversations with an informal and relaxed atmosphere.
  • At the end of the evening, you decide for yourself who you want to exchange contacts with.
  • You will receive an email with the results and contacts that evening after the event.
  • And you can arrange another date right away.
Event program
Come to the venue 15-20 minutes earlier
You can order some drinks
Our host (moderator) will explain everithing you need to know
We start. You have approximately 5 minutes to talk to each participant
Break for refreshments
The approximate end time of the evening


0 1 2 3 4
z 8055 hodnocení
10. srpna 2023
0 1 2 3 4

I loved the event and the atmosphere :) It was a great experience, and all I would like to add in the future could be to do some kind of expat event :) Once again, thanks for a great evening. Nesma

11. květen 2023
0 1 2 3 4


23. července 2024
0 1 2 3 4

Interesting activity, I had fun, and I found it kinda interesting to meet people! Thanks a lot

11. květen 2023
0 1 2 3 4

Great organization. Difficult to park so I was late but not your fault for sure.

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